Robots & Enforcement in a Cybertronic Landscape

Robots & Enforcement in a Cybertronic Landscape

"There’s a new guy in town. His name is RoboCop.” 
 🕵️‍♂️Bob Morton
Quote from film ROBOCOP.
In November 2022, San Francisco officials made a daring decision to okay robocops to help the police take down gnarly, violent perps. Around the globe municipalities are planning to go big with AI-powered robocops by 2025, and South Korea's looking to rock Iron Man-esque suits and robo-dogs to keep the peace for the next three decades.
 This begs the question: what are the advantages and ethical considerations of implementing robots in law enforcement? Let's delve into the cyberpunk reality we are finding ourselves in.
Don't get me wrong - robots can be super helpful in a lot of ways. But when it comes to police work, there's just no substitute for human judgment. Robots can't always read a situation the way a person can, and that could lead to some serious problems if we relied on them too much.
And even if we keep humans in the mix, there are worries about how robots might change the game. 
Some people are worried that having a robot with lethal force capabilities could make it way too easy to use that force in situations where it's not really necessary.
Overall, it's a tricky issue - there's no doubt that robots have potential for good, but we need to be really thoughtful about how we use them in law enforcement.
 What do you think? Let's chat. Follow this link to the Instagram post...
There is still time to ✨shift✨the ✨hologram✨
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